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Growing Carrotplant for Her, Peace for YOU

Hi! I hope you had a more connected week.

I haven’t had the time this week to write my activity to the right time. I can say much about that but the main thing is I dident let myself have time…I let everyone come before me

Laundry, kids everything came before me and now I sitting here 2 days overdue with my writing again. And I have to be ok with that, life came and just swooped me away.

The activity I had planned for this week was to regrow a carrot

Did you know if you cut of the top of a carrot it will regrow to a small plant?! I just learned that too!

For 2 (or when they can be outside and touch the soil without licking their fingers after)-100


- Carrot

- Knife

- Small container

- Water

- And a lot of patience


Whenever you have carrot for dinner or snack, you cut of the top (not your kid!) of the carrot and place it in the small container with water, and wait for 3-5 days and see what happens.

After 3-5 days the carrot should have started growing beautiful green leaves…

OBS!if it has rotten, which some of mine did, it was problably because of too little water…don’t give up just do it again with the carrot for your Beautiful carrot salat!

. find a spot in your garden with not too much direct sun and dig a whole, big enough to fit the small carrot top…

Here is where your kid comes in, she can help you to plant the carrot

Instructions for you while your kid is planting…

Take a deep breath, notice the wind how its brushing your skin and filles you up with new energy. Notice how it feels to touch the soil, is it soft?, Hard? Cold? Warm? Notice your kid, how she is touching the soil and the plant, is she gentle or rough? Splashing the water or pooring gently?

When I did this with my 2 year old, she was very gentle and ever since when we are having carrots, she wants to plant the top...hihi

Now after you have tucked in the carrottop safely in some soil, notice, how did you communicate, did you feel more connected? How do you feel in your body relaxed, stressed? Everything is ok, say a silent Thank you to yourself for taking the time to connect.

Thank you for dropping by and I hope this made you feel more connected with your kid.

Until next time, remember to Breath a little

Love and light, Kristin

By the way, while I was writing this I had my 6 month old really wanting my attention…so I had to stop for a moment and just be with him…babies comes first!


Now Sign In below...and leave a comment about how this activity connected you with your kid. And I would love to see a Picture of your Carrotplant!

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